Monday, November 23, 2009

gang of roxanne

just a sketch ..done in bits and pieces.
i had too much to get bothered in between at these ladies had to be pretty much rough.

i wanted to detail... but eventually i decided to end the piece here...
at times you just want to go no further ...hope you resonate!!!

thanks for all the comments


Ame said...

hola! gracias por tu comentario, y si esa soy yo con mi bebita!
Tu blog esta buenisimo!
te mando un saludo!

kArthIk said...

There's a bunch I don't want to mess with, yet mess with. Being indecisive wasn't so hard before.

Tyson Murphy said...

love your blog!

Jason Crawford said...

These are great images.
I especially love the poses and the bird's eye view perspective.
Know what you mean about not wanting to go any further with a piece. Takes alot of time to knock out stuff aye.


Ken said...

rough or not, these sketches are great! I love the shapes you use. The poses are real cool

Brad said...

very cool perspective!

Unknown said...

Nice Work...